There’s been a midweek break in French primary schools dating back to the 19th century, a government concession to the Roman Catholic Church, which wanted children to study the catechism on their weekday off. In today’s secular France, Wednesdays currently are a blur of sports, music, tutoring for families of means, or a scramble for working parents struggling to get by who must either find a sitter or send their kids to a full day at a state-run “leisure center.” (By Lori Hinnant Associated Press)
Cuba & Shadow Education
“Opportunities are shrinking and competition increasing,” said Sonya Perez, a single mother who is worried about her 12-year-old daughter’s future . “I make my daughter study two hours every day and pay one of her teachers 30 pesos each week to tutor her.” A common complaint among parents is that families who can afford tutors increase their children’s chances of obtaining a higher education and becoming professionals, undercutting the standard of equal educational opportunity enshrined in Cuba’s constitution . (source Reuters)
Private Tuition Proof Formal Education is Dead
As a nation, we must ask ourselves why the shadow education has become so powerful, and parents have to rely on it for their children to do well . Are the teachers in public schools paid well? Are they well trained? Do they have the teaching aids? Are they motivated ? The answer to such questions is mostly No! I have said in the past as we embrace the East African Community, if we want to benefit from the integration, we must be well educated . Not quantity education, but quality education . The foundation is created in primary school , where things seem to be so messy such that only radical surgery may save the situation .(source
Ανθεί η Παραπαιδεία στην Κύπρο
Δραματική έκκληση απευθύνουν οι περίπου 250 εγκεκριμένοι ιδιοκτήτες Ιδιωτικών Φροντιστηρίων για να τερματιστεί η ασυδοσία και η παρανομία στον κλάδο τους. Αναφέρουν ότι η κατάσταση είναι ανεξέλεγκτη, αφού ο αριθμός των παράνομων φροντιστηρίων ανέρχεται σε αρκετές χιλιάδες, την ώρα που τα λίγα εγκεκριμένα φροντιστήρια οδηγούνται σε κλείσιμο, λόγω χρεοκοπίας. «Οι δρόμοι γέμισαν με πινακίδες και διαφημιστικά φυλλάδια παράνομων φροντιστηρίων», δήλωσε στη “Σ” ο πρόεδρος του Συνδέσμου Ιδιωτικών Φροντιστηρίων Κύπρου (ΣΙΦΚ) Άδωνις Μυλωνάς. (πηγή “Σημερινή”)