Radikal : αν Κλείσουν τα Συνεργεία δεν θα Μειωθούν τα Ατυχήματα !

Avrupa Dershaneciler Birliği Başkanı (ENES) George Hagitegas: Türkiye’de dershanelerin kapatılması düşüncesi bütün dünyada var olan eğitim özgürlüğü prensibine aykırı. Eğitimde başarılı olma şanslarını tamamen ortadan kaldıracak. En önemlisi eğitimde eşitlik ilkesini ihlal etmiş olacak. Almanya gibi ülkelerde düşük gelirli ailelerin çocuklarına eğitim desteğinin hükümet yardımı ile dershanelerde verildiğini unutmamak gerekir.(www.radikal.com.tr)

Παρέμβαση της ENES για τα Dershane

educating for freedom

Statement by the President of ENES George Hagitegas about the planned closure of dershane in Turkey . “The plan to close dershane in Turkey is a situation contrary to freedom of education, which is a situation that has conquered the entire world. The European Network for Educational Support (European ENES), whose founding member is the Turkish Association TODER, protests strongly about the planned event. The Educational Support is a global educational event that helps children of economically weaker classes to study. Those days, when the afternoon private education is an alternative and modern way to achieve better results for the benefit of the weaker classes, these decisions violate equal opportunities in education. Remember that in some European countries such as Germany we have the first steps of support low-income families with voucher system in the education. The necessity of supporting education is fully recognized by the European Union. The European Network of Educational Support will report to all international organizations the planned closing of every deshane, for example the Education Committee of the European Union, UNESCO and all the associations that make up our network. The Supplementary Education is an old and universal phenomenon and this proves its necessity. If we remember, from the past, some prohibitions like that, these extreme decisions are not going to last for a long time.”
The important role of the supplementary education The phenomenon of supplementary education for the exams to university is an important event not only in all European countries but also throughout the world. The European Union on recent research in all European countries noted the large size of the parallel afternoon education. The research «The challenge of shadow education» which is easily find on internet shows that support forms of education with a different name in each country contribute to the elevation of education indicators. Great analysts point to the necessity of non-formal education in modern reality. In many countries educational reforms in the past tried to mitigate the phenomenon without any result. Some believe that improving public education will eliminate forms of supportive assistance for school and the entrance exams. However, research in many European countries show that students who are very good and go to very expensive private schools also have high-school help to ensure their entry into the best universities in the most sought-after schools. The afternoon support is a fact which historically occurred in the first organized school, school of the Sumerians, 4000 years ago. The need of ongoing assistance for school and exams bother fans of state education because removes its monopoly. The argument that parents pay isn’t able to claim any disappearance of non-formal education. The state has to turn to implementing voucher system for economically weak people just like the USA with the program «No Child Left Behind». The politics of creative cooperation of state and private education will give the best results. If we remove the exams then we will not make champions but illiterates.

Η Τουρκική Κυβέρνηση Απειλεί τα Dershane

Διεθνές Συνέδριο της ENES των Φροντιστών στην Πόλη , Μάρτιος 2012

Οι αναταραχές στην τουρκική παιδεία αναφορικά με την επίμαχη μεταρρύθμιση 4+4+4 , η οποία περιορίζει την υποχρεωτική εκπαίδευση σε 4 μόνο χρόνια , συνεχίζεται αμείωτη . Στο πεδίο της διαμάχης δεν άργησαν να βρεθούν τα τουρκικά φροντιστήρια τα αποκαλούμενα “dershane” . Οι αντίπαλοι της μεταρρύθμισης κατηγόρησαν την κυβέρνηση ότι ανοίγει τον δρόμο για την ανεμπόδιστη επαναλειτουργία των θρησκευτικών σχολείων και πριμοδοτεί την μετεξέλιξη των “dershane” σε ιδιωτικά σχολεία προσανατολισμένα προς τις εξετάσεις προαγωγής καθώς η φοίτηση σε δημόσια σχολεία δεν θα είναι πλέον υποχρεωτική . Ο λαϊκιστής όμως πρωθυπουργός της γείτονας αντέδρασε με αφοπλιστική διπλωματία . Προανήγγειλε ότι φέτος είναι η τελευταία χρονιά λειτουργίας των φροντιστηρίων ! Η τουρκική Ένωση των Φροντιστών TODER με την συνδρομή του Ευρωπαϊκού Δικτύου Φροντιστών ENES αλλά και μεγάλων Εθνικών Ενώσεων Φροντιστών από όλο τον κόσμο ετοιμάζονται να καταγγείλουν το γεγονός σε πολλούς διεθνείς οργανισμούς που υπερασπίζονται την ελευθερία στην εκπαίδευση . Εμείς απλά θα θυμίσουμε πως μόνο η χούντα του Εβρέν τόλμησε να κλείσει τα dershane για λίγους μήνες . Να θυμίσουμε και την δική μας χούντα που έκλεινε φροντιστήρια αλλά και μία ανεκδιήγητη Νοτιοκορεάτικη κυβέρνηση που επέβαλε την απαγόρευση για να την αναστείλει μόλις ένοιωσε την γιγάντωση της μαύρης αγοράς …